Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My new hobby.

Yesterday I bought a sewing machine. Today I made this. I plan to make more. I found the instructions here.


  1. I love it! Where did you learn to sew? I have a little sewing machine but I have no idea how to thread it so as soon as it runs out of thread I'm screwed.

    Also, I tried to follow the instructions on that page but I got confused. Man I'm so jealous! I want those pillows!

  2. I learned to sew b/c my dad runs a custom canvas business. But even though I grew up sewing, threading my new machine was daunting. I just followed the instruction manual, though, and it was pretty easy.

  3. Holy crap. Baby I'm amazed by you..

  4. Ooo. Will you be bummed if I make one, too? I am making a quilt (my first) for Aubrey's bed, and have been stewing over pillow ideas. This would be great!

  5. Of course not! Just make sure you post pictures of yours, too. :)

  6. Also, you should know, that I did an envelope back rather than the back recommended on the instructions. Which may have made it easier, or harder, I'm not sure.

  7. Also.....love the sofa. And the throw. You are so. gay.

  8. hahaha!!!
    you are _so_cool_!!!!
    I love my sewing machine, tho I really don't know how to use it all that well (and have a stronger tendency to do things like sew paper or make weird little obscene fabric creatures than do anything nice and functional).
    I LOVE your cushion!
