Thursday, April 9, 2009

My top 6 coming out conversations.

This was going to be a top 5 list, but alas, I couldn't decide which to leave out. And really, the only one that is properly ranked is #1. At the time, some of these weren't as funny as they seem now. Maybe they aren't funny, I don't know. Anyway, enjoy!

6. "So, I'm gay." "Oh." (Mark)
5. "Do you even like girls?" "Nope." (to my brother)
4. "You're lying." "Never been more truthful." "You're lying." "How can I get you to believe me?" "I don't know, you're lying." (several friends)
3. "I'm gay." "No you're not." (to my other brother)
2. "I'm gay." "I know." (to Rachel)
1. "So ... I'm gay." "I'm cutting the chicken!" (Loriann)


  1. I have to say that I think it's great that you can laugh about it. And I think my favorite is Rachel's reaction.

  2. ME too! I mean I loved Rachel's reaction.

    But, Loriann's reaction sounds FABULOUS! Was there a follow-up? Like, "...and then I need to grate the cheese and THEN you can tell me more of your story!"

    Ah... I think I'm slowly getting a picture of Loriann and she is definitely showing up as quite... fabulous.

    This was such a fun post, Nick. Also mind-boggling. "You're lying"? Huh?! That's a new one. To ME, and, of course, I've never come out, so... it's fun you can let us in on the joke!

    I hope you tell "others." Straight jokes, or, also, more of the unintentionally but ABSURDly funny ones like these.

  3. Fabulous post. Made me smile.

    Also, Heidi...Loriann's comment was more along the lines of, "I'm cutting the chicken...and Nick's gay. Couldn't you have waited until I was sitting down?"

  4. Rach,
    Oh, I get it now!

    Still funny... but touching/poignant too. And, STILL fabulous.

    (I thought from what was written that Loriann accepted Nick's announcement so effortlessly she didn't even NEED to finish what she was doing & sit down... She was like, yeah, I know, can I finish what I'm DOING first?)

    Maybe some of these are in-jokes unless you've been there?


  5. i feel so happy about making the list. ahhh... :)
